Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Love Brownies

Skip below this rambling to the **** for the actual dream..

Chocolate fudge with chocolate icing. What more can you ask for? How about pot brownies? Yeah, that'll do.

Pot brownies and I have a special relationship. At the peak of my worst experience I was throwing up for about a half hour nonstop and every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was Mario jumping and hitting the coin box over and over a la the original Super Mario Brothers. I learned my lesson from that one and reduced my intake.

I don't know if every time I trip off a brownie I have crazy dreams, but I am convinced that the brownies act in similar ways to the potion and cake in Alice in Wonderland where she ingests each one causing an imbalance in her size. Where the fuck am I going with this? Well when I'm stoned from this brownie, I certainly feel imbalanced, and more so like a screws loose. Picture this- every single person on the planet has a position- a role that takes many faces- a scientist who is also a father, a brother, a friend, an avid masturbator, etc. Well after I trip, I feel like I fell out of place in my position and I need to be knocked back in. Otherwise, I wake around in a daze, knowing something just not right. And of course, the only answer to put me back in my place is another brownie. No, not true. Some sort of an event- whether it be beer, punch in the face... anything refreshing like that. This has gone on too long....

So the night I slept off my brownie experience was on Saturday and seeing it is Tuesday, that is lightyears in dream memory. However, to the best of my memory, I was being chased by two gigantic and beautiful women (think the ending to Dude, Where's My Car). Honestly, that's all I got. Was I caught? Maybe. Did they swallow me whole, or kick me around, use me as a back scratcher? The point is I'm going to write these down when they happen the night after so you aren't shafted like this example. Maybe that's why I wrote an extended intro.

I could analyze it now. Hmm, let's see. A guy being chased by a large beautiful woman- sounds like you have some great dreams. Gee, thanks doc. I'll try to keep on having them.

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